Monday, October 22, 2012

Lab 3: Neogeography

View Tourism Map of Los Angeles Beaches- Venice Beach and Santa Monica in a larger map

This map shows my ideal path for vacationers interested in seeing Los Angeles' beach culture. It is a long walk, but shows extensive parts of our coast that are really unique. Using Google Maps to create a custom route is a great way to make an easily understandable map. One features that enables ease of use is the road systems that show viable paths. Additionally, you are able to zoom in/out to see very specific features on the map.

However, Google Maps does present some challenges that may not be clearly present. For example, listing landmarks, shops and restaurants you think are in one place could actually be moved, or worse, gone altogether-data quality. Another possibility of confusion would be a new building or construction project that has altered or erased a previously known route/attraction. My map in particular does not show the ebb and flow of the tide, so the part of my map that takes viewers along the shoreline may actually take them knee-deep in seawater, depending on the time of the trip.

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